
Versatility Of Black Hair

The natural hair movement has freed many black women from years of chemical and heat abuse and has changed their consumption pattern in the hair product category. Instead of getting their hair straightened with relaxers, women who embrace their natural hair buy more hair styling products to define curls. Subsequently, relaxers, which used to be the number one seller at beauty supply stores, stepped down to the second largest in hair product sales. According to the Mintel’s 2015 report, the sales of relaxers dropped 18.6% between 2013 and 2015, whereas the sales of hair styling products increased exponentially by 26.8%. Mintel anticipates relaxers will lose second place soon.


@rastajordan3: " My Hair to me symbolizes strength and commitment. The embracing of our roots and culture. The dare to differ visually from what society deems as appropriate or professional but still exhibit those qualities. I can wear my locs in several different styles I mostly prefer wearing them straight down or pulled straight back

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